Why You Should Make the First Offer in A Negotiation
How would you answer the following questions: 1. Is the average length of adult blue whales longer than 113 meters? What is your...
Why You Should Keep Your Team Small
Imagine two different sized teams: One with four people, one with eight. Together, each team’s members are pulling a rope to test their...
Why Some Offers Look Too Bad to Be True
Which of the following subscription models for a news-magazine looks like the best deal? Take a moment to decide. Done? Which one did you...
6 Simple Tips to Succeed at HULT
“Pack your bags, get ready and say goodbye to the old you- because once you get here, you are going to change so much and for the...
Chief Nourisher in Life’s Feast
Entrepreneur, former Facebook director of market development, and Mark Zuckerberg sibling, Randi Zuckerberg managed to convey the...
How the Sunk Cost Fallacy Affects Your Life
In the next few lines you’re going to be asked to make some choices. Be honest: How would you decide? 1. You’re in the cinema....
The Journey to Productivity
Everest Planner, a productivity journal sold around the world to those seeking the right guide in their life, was created through my own...
These MIB-Women are ready to disrupt the divorce industry!
Let’s start to dive into the industry landscape of relationships. How many dating apps like tinder and match.com platforms have you heard...
From Drugs to Business
Being born and raised in Brazil, São Paulo by South Korean immigrants, I couldn’t help but to choose a path where I found myself learning...